Friday, April 1, 2011

Steps to Spring

Hello, friends and neighbors! We hope that you’re doing well and feeling good, despite the “moody” weather. Spring showed up, for about three days, and then, winter decided to come back around for a little bit. Oh well, it’s not going to keep us from starting the planting season. In fact, we’ve got about 300 (or more) plants started in the shop. We’ve “started” peppers, tomatoes, cabbages, cherry tomatoes and sweet potatoes. We also have onions and red potatoes that are waiting to go into the ground. C’mon spring!
In other news, the “hen hotel” is well into the secondary stages of construction; so, our laying hens will soon be a lot more portable. They’re coming back into their “spring chicken” routines. Soon, they’ll be providing our CSA customers with delicious, all natural, additive free eggs. Of course, if you’re a “year round” egg customer- you already enjoy their “products”. Your eggs will return to their original price, as stated on the website, of $2.50. That is, unless you’re a CSA subscriber. If you have a subscription, you’ll receive a discount throughout your 20 week subscription period. The original pricing shall return on May 1st.
While we’re on the topic of subscriptions- CSA contracts are due. It helps us plan exactly how much work we need to do when we know how many people are “in needin’ of some feedin’”. As mentioned above, May 1st is the beginning of our ‘season’ (though, I believe, the shares begin in June). Please submit your contracts as soon as you can. If you have any questions, you can call us here at the farm or email us at Thanks and have a beautiful day. We’ll see you soon!